
     King Thoran sat silently at his desk as the people he trusted most started arriving in his office.  Blain and Natasha, Dominic and Meldamiriel, Dr. Quinn, Zen, and a few other trusted guards and inner circle warriors. 

     He cleared his throat.  What he was about to reveal made him sick to his stomach.  How had he allowed such a thing to happen?  He was King of Dragonose.  It was his responsibility to see that the citizens of his world were safe and cared for, and up until recently, he thought everything was fine until now.  There was no denying the photos sitting face down on his desk.  The fire in his belly burned red-hot as he prepared to inform his most trusted friends and advisors that he had let his people down and he wasn’t the king they thought. 

     The room and its occupants became quiet.  Everyone waited to see why the king of Dragonose summoned them to his private office. 

     “Good morning.  Thank you for coming so quickly; I know everyone is curious as to why I have called you here this morning, so I won’t delay.  What I am about to reveal to you is not easy,” he stopped as he made eye contact with every person in the room.  “I thought I’d been taking good care of our people.  But it seems I have been living under a delusion because nothing could be further from the truth.” 

     Dominic’s head snapped up so hard his neck cracked.  “My king,” he quickly objected.  “Why would you say such a thing?  Everyone loves you, our people are taken care of, and you have always been fair and just.” 

     King Thoran sighed loudly before glancing over to Dominic.  “Just a short time ago, I believed the same thing.  But I have proof I am not the king you believe me to be.” 

     He picked up the stack of photos and a folder sitting face down on his desk.  “I sent my sons and daughter-in-law away several months ago because she is pregnant with twins.  This decision did not come easily, but after a couple from the village requested an audience with me, I felt I had little choice.  They’d had a baby girl about three weeks before our meeting but were told the baby died during childbirth.  As is our custom, the husband was not in the room during delivery, and the nursemaid handled the delivery with no complications reported.  As heartbroken as they were after learning of their baby dying, they became suspicious when the husband questioned the nursemaid’s explanation of the infant dying during childbirth.  He clearly remembered hearing a baby's cry before it was cut off.  When he demanded to see the stillborn infant, the nursemaid refused and ran out the door with the deceased newborn in her arms. 

     “To say the least, her actions were a bit unusual, and the couple suspected foul play.  When I sent a few guards to bring the nursemaid in for questioning, she was nowhere to be found.  As a matter of fact,” King Thoran stopped and looked over to Dr. Quinn, the top Dragonose physician and his trusted friend.  “She has not been seen or heard from since that night.” 

     The king let his words sink in for a few seconds before continuing.  “A short time later, I received word there was activity between our land and our neighbor’s.  I sent several of my best guards on a spy operation with orders to report what they found to me.”  King Thoran nodded his head at several guards quietly standing around the room.  “The proof they returned with has both stunned and horrified me.”  He passed the photos over to Blain and Natasha, along with the file containing a detailed report of everything the spies were able to learn. 

     “Oh my God!” Natasha exclaimed, her eyes wide as she looked down at the photos in horror.  “Are they all Dragonose females?” 

     “Yes, we believe many, if not all, are.  The photos and reports are all we have to go on, but it is enough to tell me our enemy has been hard at work.  After interviewing the guards extensively, I believe Gertrude, the nursemaid, has been using a drug to make it appear the female babies are dead.  Then, we think she smuggled them out of this land and to the camp, which we now have confirmation is run by none other than our enemies, the Raptorians. 

     “There are numerous adult females also being held against their will.  I can’t imagine anyone willingly spending time with the Raptorians, so we believe our enemy kidnapped the women, one at a time, so it didn’t look suspicious.  I dug into our records and found several women listed missing over the past ten years.  At the time, we believed they were attacked by large animals and did not survive.”  King Thoran stopped, taking a moment to try to calm his anger as he sighed.  He never thought such a feat possible, and he still wouldn't without the proof in his hands.  But the explanation his spies had brought back was more than sufficient evidence, and it sickened him every time he thought of those filthy Raptorians beasts touching Dragonose females.  “Hindsight is always perfect.  I now wish we would have investigated the disappearances a long time ago.” 

     “So, let me get this straight,” Blain stated, sitting up straighter in his chair and handing the photos over to Dominique.  “We’ve had our females removed from under our noses for several years?” 

     “Yes, and I shudder to think how many years this has been happening.  I believe it probably started very small and has gradually grown as the years progressed.  It’s the only way they would have been able to get away with it without drawing attention to themselves.” 

     “But if they are all Dragonose females, why not use their dragons to fight for freedom?” Meldamiriel spoke as she peered at the photos in her mate’s hands. 

     “Because it is hard enough for our males to overtake the Raptorians.  Our females are not as strong and are untrained to fight against our enemy.  Although we have proof of the situation, we don’t have all the details.  I have no idea if these females are healthy.  I can’t imagine the Raptorians treating them well over the years.  We also know the Raptorians are holding babies.  The spies were able to get close enough to hear them crying.”  King Thoran stopped and shook his head.  “At this point, we assume all females inside the encampment are prisoners, and the babies are from Dragonose.” 

     Dr. Quinn hung his head and closed his eyes against the horror of the photos.  The damn nursemaid reported to him.  How had he not seen this?  Feeling like he had to speak up, he cleared his throat.  “My king, I have let you down.  I should have known something was going on.  I have been researching for years as to why our females are so weak, they don’t survive past childbirth, but it never occurred to me that I was being lied to and used.  I am very sorry for letting you down, as well as my fellow Dragonosians.  I should have known, I should have known,” he was overcome with anguish, unable to say more.  How many couples had he been there to console after losing their baby?  He had dedicated almost every waking hour to researching why the birth rate for females was so low when he had been fooled this entire time. 

     “Quinn, no one is blaming you other than yourself, and there is plenty of that to go around.  Right now, I need each of you to help devise a plan to rescue our females.  The Raptorians may have stolen them from right under our noses, but now I know where our females are, they are coming home.  Anyone who stands in the way will die immediately,” King Thoran’s voice was firm.  As he looked over the side of his desk, his eyes locked on the latest photo of his two sons and their mate, Evangelina, heavily pregnant with twins.  He couldn’t and wouldn’t allow them to return home until he knew it was safe.  He had to make this right.  He had to restore order in his world. 

     The room went from silent to sudden chatter as everyone gave opinions on how best to set up the rescue. 

     King Thoran glanced over to Meldamiriel.  As their eyes met, he inquired in a low voice meant for her ears only, “Congratulations, little elf. Have you told your mate the good news yet?” 

     Meldamiriel gave him a surprised look.  “How did you know?” 

     “I have telepathic abilities and picked up on a few of Ivormantis’ thoughts.” 

     “Oh, yes, I’ve already told Dominic.”  Meldamiriel smiled at the man who was now her king.  She hadn’t known him for very long, but not only did her mate trust their king indisputably, but so did both Blain and Natasha.  If her best friend, Natasha, said he was a good man, then it was all Meldamiriel needed to hear. 

     Dominic glanced over and realized his mate and king were talking, wondering if his king already knew their good news.  “You’re not telling tall tales about my past now, are you, my king?”  Even though the circumstances surrounding this meeting were grim, he couldn’t help being somewhat lighthearted.  His mate, Meldamiriel, was expecting, and he had been flying high on the clouds since she informed him of her news. 

     “No, but congratulations.  We will soon have another birth to celebrate,” the king’s words seemed to catch everyone’s attention at once. 

     Everyone in the room wished both Dominic and Meldamiriel congratulations before settling to discuss the massive problem ahead of them. 

     “My king, with Meldamiriel carrying a baby, I don’t want her involved in the rescue mission,” Dominic stated. 

     Meldamiriel didn’t give the king a chance to reply before turning to her mate.  “I am sitting right next to you.  Were you going to give me a vote on this matter, mate?” 

     Dominic glanced to King Thoran to see the man grinning before turning his attention to his irritated mate.  “I’m sorry, love.  I just want you to be safe and healthy through your pregnancy.” 

     The anger in Meldamiriel’s tone disappeared as she reached over and placed her hand on her mate’s arm.  “I know you worry about me, Dominic.  But I can help.  Look at the facts.  We will need all hands on deck to pull this mission off successfully.” 

     Meldamiriel then turned to King Thoran.  “Let me take a Tantassaurus in to help with the rescue.  First, I can control them; I know I can.  I’ve been working with them daily and can guarantee they are safe.  Second, we could use the large creature to help carry the babies, young children, and any wounded females to safety.” 

     King Thoran nodded his head, then turned to Dominic.  “She has a point.  It would be no different than her work with the animals in the Forbidden Forest, which she is already doing.  And I think seeing a Tantassaurus alone will throw the Raptorians off their game and send them running home.”  The king took in the sour expression on Dominic’s face before continuing.  “Dominic, if we have her arrive riding the Tantassaurus, she will be the safest of all of us.” 

     King Thoran turned to address Meldamiriel.  “It will take us a couple of days to put a plan together,” he stated as he sat back in his chair.  “I know they have become very docile since we’ve alleviated the pressure in their skulls, but I would like to know if the creatures can and will defend themselves if attacked.  That will ultimately make my decision as to if we can use them in the rescue mission.” 

     “Even if we can’t train them to attack on command, could we not use one of them to transport everyone once we rescue them?”  Natasha spoke up. 

     “Yes, we can, but I would feel much better knowing Meldamiriel, and ultimately our rescues have a safe ride home.” 

     “Understandable, my king.”  Natasha turned in her seat.  “Dominic, do you think your mother will help?  Once we return with the women and children, I think having the Darrack wolves nearby will help entertain the children and just might help some adult females overcome their tragedy.”  She turned her attention to King Thoran.  “Besides, having another trusted female for these women to go to and to confine in will be important.” 

     “Great idea, Natasha!”  He turned to one of his most trusted guards.  “Zen, you have my permission to tell Angel what is going on; I am sure we can use her help once the women and children arrive.”  King Thoran glanced around the room before continuing.  “Not a word of this mission is to be breathed outside these walls.”  He stopped and shook his head.  “I never thought I would hear myself state this, but I don’t know who to trust anymore.”  King Thoran turned to look at Dominic.  “You have permission to bring Mary up to speed on what is happening, but make sure you do so in a private setting where no one can overhear.” 

     The king turned his attention back to the room.  “Not a word to anyone else in the kingdom.  I don’t want to take the chance of the wrong person getting wind of the rescue and alerting our enemy.  We will need surprise and stealth on our side if we pull off this operation.” 

     The king turned his attention to the women in the room.  “Natasha, Meldamiriel, I will depend on your help once we complete the rescue.  We can bring in Mary and Angel, but I’m afraid you ladies will have your hands full.  I want to bring everyone back here to the castle, where I can assure their safety.”  He turned his attention to the guards in the room.  “That means once we have rescued everyone, I will need you to coordinate with the remaining guards to ensure this place is locked down tight.” 

     “My king, if I could make a suggestion?”  Meldamiriel spoke up.  “We will need a space dedicated for these women and children awaiting their arrival.  Do you have a trusted staff member you can confide in regarding what is getting ready to take place?  They could be an immense help in coordinating things here at the castle while we are on the rescue mission.” 

     King Thoran thought about Meldamiriel’s request and smiled.  He knew just the person.  “Ms. Thelma.  She has worked for me for many years, and I would trust her with my deepest secrets.”  King Thoran thought about the extensive list of things needing to do in order to pull off a successful mission.  “I’ll speak with her today.  She will be another great asset once our rescues arrive at the castle.” 

     Blain and Dominic smiled at their king.  Ms. Thelma had been a part of the royal staff since they were little boys.  They both remembered the woman surprising them with their favorite snacks when they visited.  The head cook would pamper and spoil every woman and child they rescued. 

Chapter I  

     The next four days turned into a whirlwind as the king’s finest warriors planned, debated, trained, and organized the rescue mission.  The team stayed hyper-vigilant on the off chance someone overheard them and alerted their enemy. 

     The Tantassaurus wasn’t the only surprise King Thoran had up his sleeve.  One of their chemists recently discovered a substance they believed was poisonous to the Raptorians.  It was thought once the poison reached their enemy’s blood, it would start to act immediately, leaving them dead in a matter of minutes. King Thoran quietly placed a large order for the mysterious poison, hoping it would give them the upper hand against their enemy. 

     While the guards gathered swords, bows, and dart guns, their chemist was busy soaking arrowheads and darts in this new chemical.  The downside to the situation was since it was so unique, they had been unable to test its actual effectiveness. 

     As far as King Thoran was concerned, there was no time like the present.  The success of this mission was going to rely heavily on the element of surprise, and having a secret arsenal was all the better.  Usually, when the Raptorians attacked, they used their teeth and claws to damage, with a few choosing to use swords.  But once King Thoran realized one of their chemists was working on a formula that would kill their enemy, he ordered weapons for their next skirmish.  It looked like the time to test the recipe was upon them. 

     Very quietly and secretively, Dr. Quinn gathered any medical supplies he might need to treat injured females or children or any rescuer hurt during the rescue process.  He tried to prepare for all circumstances without knowing the details of the situation.  He hoped they would find the Dragonose female captives all healthy and taken care of, but he seriously doubted it, considering who their captors were. 

     He was still beating himself up for not realizing what was happening sooner.  It sickened him that his own king felt as if he had let down his people.  In Quinn’s mind, he knew the responsibility lay squarely on his shoulders.  It was his job to make sure the citizens of Dragonose were healthy.  Yes, it was a broad task, but he employed others to help tend to the sick or injured in the outlying areas.  Still, ultimately, he was responsible. 

     Not knowing who on his staff he could trust, Quinn relied on Zen’s mate, Angel, to help transport all the medical supplies over to the castle.  She worked with King Thoran’s top cook, Ms. Thelma, to coordinate setting up an area for the expected injured.  Quinn met Angel initially while he was treating her best friend and the king’s twin son’s mate, Evangelina.  The twins brought Angel with them when they transported their injured mate to Dragonose to seek treatment.  It didn’t take long for his old friend, Zen, to declare Angel was his mate.  Quinn waved his hand as Angel left with yet another load of medical supplies, heading to the castle.  She had a pure heart and kind soul, and Quinn knew she could be trusted with their secret rescue mission.  He also knew with her smiling face and easy-going personality that she would greatly assist the rescued women and children.  King Thoran tasked Natasha, Meldamiriel, Mary, Angel, and Ms. Thelma with coordinating their efforts to help the rescues once they arrived. 


     Meldamiriel and King Thoran met at the beginning of the Forbidden Forest each morning to work with the Tantassaurus.  At first, the once ferocious beasts turned into docile creatures seemed reluctant to show any aggression, but Meldamiriel and King Thoran refused to give up.  Both knew the success of their upcoming mission and, ultimately, the ability to live in peace without the threat of the Raptorians attacking lay squarely on these giant beast’s shoulders. 

     Each time they went into the Forbidden Forest to work with the Tantassaurus, King Thoran transferred over to his dragon, Rubinmire, and had Meldamiriel ride on his back.  This young elf was pregnant, so the king wasn’t taking any chances of her getting injured. 

     While trying to devise a way to teach the Tantassaurus to attack Raptorians, Rubinmire had an idea.  He turned his large head around until one eye made contact with the tiny elf sitting on his back. 

     “Meldamiriel, I have an idea, but I will need your help.  Remember when we joined forces to heal these big guys?  I want to do something similar, so I must ride in using your power.  From there, I will attempt to manipulate their thought process by planting a picture of a Raptorian in the place of something else in the forest.  If I succeed, they will see the ugly beasts in the place of a large tree and, hopefully, will attack it.  Let’s give it a try. 

     Rubinmire lifted off the ground and landed beside a large Tantassaurus, just a short distance from where they were sitting.  Meldamiriel threw a burst of power toward the giant creature, observing as the animal turned their head toward them just as her jolt hit it. Meldamiriel closed her eyes as she concentrated on her strength. She felt Rubinmire riding on the wave of energy she created and quickly entered the creature’s mind, planting the idea that the large tree directly in front of the beast was a hideous Raptorian.  The dragon then planted the thought the perceived beast was indeed a danger to all. 

     Both dragon and elf watched the Tantassaurus as the creature zeroed in on the tree in front of them.  They watched in awe and amazement as it started snarling at the innocent tree, believing it to be a dreaded enemy.  Rubinmire took a few healthy steps back away from the beast, not fully trusting it to recognize friend from foe. 

     The giant beast continued snarling and growling at the innocent tree as it crouched down, preparing to attack.  Both dragon and elf watched in amazement as the Tantassaurus suddenly sprang to the tree, ripping it out of the ground, using nothing but its sharp teeth.  The creature continued attacking the tree, even once it was completely uprooted and lying on the ground.  The Tantassaurus used its claws to tear into the hard bark of the tree, creating huge gashes throughout the trunk.  The creature then turned and used its large tail to send the tree flying, landing in the middle of other trees, partially destroying them. 

     “Well, I guess that answers my question,” Rubinmire quipped as he watched the Tantassaurus in action.  “And I think we found our secret weapon against our enemy.” 

     Meldamiriel felt the dragon pull back on his power over the giant beast.  She also pulled her power back until the Tantassaurus again displayed the personality of a docile creature.  “Rubinmire, now that you planted a picture of the Raptorian in his mind, can he maintain it, assuring us it will attack if it ever comes across one?” 

     The giant dragon looked at the little elf sitting on his back.  “While there are no guarantees when working with wild beasts, I believe now that I’ve implanted an image of a Raptorian in her mind, she will attack if she ever comes across one.” 

     One word stuck out to Meldamiriel.  “She?  The Tantassaurus is a female?” 

     “Indeed, little one.  It is the same one you helped heal not too long ago and who is breeding.”  The giant dragon sat back before continuing.  “I chose her, hoping that since she is already carrying, she will be more compliant as we teach her to wear a harness and saddle.”  Rubinmire looked the little elf in the eye.  “You will need something to ride on and the ability to control the creature.” 

     “Oh yeah, I didn’t think of that,” Meldamiriel admitted softly. 

     “Tomorrow, we will start working with her using a harness, and you will need to learn how to control her movements.”  Rubinmire sat back, and Meldamiriel watched a disgruntled look flash across his face before continuing.  “King Thoran wants me to relay that you need to use the harness similarly as the human part controls the dragon inside them.  Thoran calls it a love leash, but where the man gets the ‘love’ part, I don’t know. Personally, I call it something completely different.”  Meldamiriel watched as the dragon seemed to roll his eyes as he held a private internal conversation with his human counterpart. 

     Finally, after a few minutes, the dragon eyed her.  “Forgive me, little one.  King Thoran and I don’t always see eye-to-eye on certain subjects.  Let’s get back to the castle and enjoy lunch.  I know Ms. Thelma has been cooking all morning and waiting for our return.” 

     The following day Meldamiriel was surprised to see King Thoran and Natasha waiting for her at the entrance to the Forbidden Forest.  Sitting next to them was a sizeable saddle-like contraption with leather straps attached.  Off to the side were two large wooden baskets. 

     “Hi, Natasha!”  Meldamiriel greeted her friend enthusiastically.  “Did King Thoran rope you into helping today?” 

     “Yes, since we are attempting to teach the Tantassaurus something that has never been done before, an extra hand might come in handy.” 

     “Ladies, if you are ready, let’s begin.”  King Thoran glanced over to Meldamiriel.  “I’m going to bring our Tantassaurus friend out of the forest for today’s exercise.  We need to know we can trust her outside the containment field, and it will be easier than trying to move these heavy baskets into the forest.” 

     Meldamiriel smiled over to her king.  “I think I can help you locate her.  I have felt a bond developing between us since we started working together.”  The tiny elf stopped and rubbed her arms.  “It’s weird because I haven’t felt a connection with other creatures we healed, but I do with her.”  She stopped and looked down at the ground.  “I’ve kind of named her.  I call her Molly,” she shyly murmured. 

     “You named a huge, thirty-foot Tantassaurus, Molly?” Natasha exclaimed. 

     “Yeah, it fits, you know,” Meldamiriel replied as she shrugged her shoulders.  “Just because she is a big girl doesn’t mean she can’t have a pretty name.” 

     King Thoran snickered behind them.  “Just wait until Dominic and Blain hear about this one,” he quietly stated as he shook his head.  He turned his attention to Meldamiriel.  “Can you call dear Molly to you?  Or are you able to send your power out to find her?” 

     The king and Natasha watched as Meldamiriel closed her eyes and concentrated on the large female Tantassaurus.  Ground-trembling footsteps could be heard through the forest a moment later as the creature made its way to them. 

     “Perfect, little elf,” King Thoran praised Meldamiriel before turning his attention to the giant beast.  A moment later, he turned back to her.  “Okay, I’ve taken the force field down on this side; let’s see if we can get her to come out. 

     Meldamiriel stepped back into the open field and silently called her new friend to her.  At first, the creature was hesitant to move forward, afraid it would be shocked by the force field.  But after a moment of coaxing, she stepped out into the open. 

     “Okay, looks like we are good to start our training,” Natasha murmured as she watched the giant Tantassaurus lean her head down for Meldamiriel to stroke as if she were a treasured pet.  Natasha and King Thoran shook their head in disbelief; neither thought the giant beasts would become as docile as they had since cured of their ailment. 

     “I think we should start with the saddle,” King Thoran observed.  “Meldamiriel, since Molly,” the king stressed the beast’s name, “seems to be very comfortable with you, I’m going to let you take the lead on this matter.”  The king glanced behind him where large baskets and the saddle sat.  “I believe we should start with the very basic,” he hesitated for a moment as he thought things through.  “Let’s see if she accepts the reins, and we can get them on her.  Our next step will be to walk around the field and see how well she responds to our instructions.”  He stopped again and glanced at the large beast in front of him.  “Remember, girls, we are attempting to do what has never been done before.  This may be a prolonged, tedious process.” 

     If King Thoran thought his warning would dim the excitement of Meldamiriel, he was mistaken.  She quickly turned around and grabbed the reins, bringing them to the enormous beast.  “Okay, girl.  We need your help, but I also need to know I can trust you.  Are you going to let me put these on you?” 

     The king and Natasha watched in amazement as Molly bent her head down to Meldamiriel’s level.  The little elf continued talking in hushed tones to the Tantassaurus as she carefully and gently placed the reins around her head and neck.  Meldamiriel reached up and petted Molly’s snout as she addressed her king.  “She did extremely well; I think she is ready for the next step.” 

     “Indeed, little elf.  Training Molly might be easier than I thought,” King Thoran observed.  “Let’s see how well she does walking around the field.” 


     At the end of four days of non-stop planning, plotting, and training, King Thoran sent his circle of entrusted friends and guards to their homes for much-needed rest.  What had previously been the ballroom in the castle now held cots, medical equipment, medicine, warm blankets, and a few cribs for the anticipated rescues.  Molly, the Tantassaurus that Meldamiriel, King Thoran, and Natasha worked with, turned out to be easier to train than anyone anticipated.  King Thoran wasn’t sure if the little elf realized it, but the vast beast seemed to worship the ground Meldamiriel walked on.  He honestly thought Molly would walk through fire for the little elf, which was good since they didn’t fully know what the upcoming mission held.  King Thoran thanked his entrusted friends after they sat down for their final meal together before their quest to free their imprisoned females and children the following evening. 

     Quinn retired to his private quarters, connected to the back of the medical unit.  He tried to push the upcoming mission and everything surrounding it to the back of his mind, but with little success.  Guilt like he’d never experienced before plagued him.  As he lay on his bed, curled on his side, he grabbed an extra pillow to cling to, once again wishing he had a mate to hold and share his burden.  He was genuinely happy for his friends Blain, Dominic, Zen, and King Thoran’s twin sons, Adrian and Aiden, in finding their mates, but his lonely dragon mourned that they had no one to share their life with.  As he closed his eyes, he wondered what it would be like to find his mate.  Would she understand his work or his unwavering loyalty to his king?  Would she hold him in times like now and assure him everything would work out?  Would she be willing to work at his side day in and day out, caring for their people? 

     As these questions spun around in his head, he sank deeper into depression.  Although his dragon, Remathyst, continued to pine for their unknown mate, Quinn had all but given up on ever finding her.  If she were on Dragonose, he would have met her by now.  As the lead physician, he, more than anyone else in the land, had access to much of the population.  Wherever she was, if fate had deemed him lucky enough to have a mate, it certainly wasn’t in Dragonose.  He worked long hours and never had time for extended leave, so how could he find her?  Yes, the king would grant his vacation in a heartbeat, but he would never make the request.  He knew to do so would leave his fellow man without the health care they deserved. 

     He was a damn fine medical doctor and one of the few in his homeland with natural healing abilities through their dragons.  King Thoran and Blain’s mate, Natasha, possessed the skills but to a different extent.  Dominic’s mate, Meldamiriel, an Omega elf, also had some unique healing abilities.  Quinn had the opportunity to watch Meldamiriel in action at Blain’s castle on earth when she healed Dominic of a horrendous spinal injury.  What would it be like to have a mate with those abilities?  Even though he was happy for his brethren finding their mates, he was also a bit envious.  He wanted to meet his mate, but it didn’t look like fate would soon shine down on him.  Finally, the past several days caught up with him, and he fell into an uneasy sleep. 

     The king’s trusted guards and friends gathered at the castle just as the sun began to set the following evening.  To any onlookers, it appeared the king was holding a dinner for some of his closest friends—only these friends knew better.  Everyone gathered in the king’s office as they waited for the sun to finish descending and darkness to fully hit.  They spent their time loading themselves down with weapons and studying a map with the layout of the building they believed the females were held in. 

     “Meldamiriel, I want you to land Molly here in this empty field,” King Thoran instructed the elf as he pointed to the map sitting on his desk.  “We must get in the building, eliminate the enemy, and rescue the women and children before we bring Molly in for airlift.” 

     “But my king,” Meldamiriel replied, “Molly can easily help eliminate the enemy.  Now that you implanted an image in her brain of what they look like, I believe she would be a great asset in helping destroy the Raptorians.” 

     King Thoran glanced over to Meldamiriel’s mate before replying.  Dominic was currently scowling down at his little elf.  Yes, the Tantassaurus could be a potential game-changer in the war against the Raptorians, but King Thoran wasn’t taking any chances that Meldamiriel would be injured in the process.  “You are correct, little elf; Molly and her kind can and likely will play a major role in giving us the upper hand against our enemy.  But I can’t take any chances with your health, especially knowing you are carrying and one of the few of us who hold healing abilities.  We need you to conserve your strength to help Dr. Quinn once the rescue is completed.”  He stopped and sighed, the upcoming mission weighing heavily on his mind. 

     King Thoran glanced around the room before he continued.  “Make no mistake, the Raptorians will pay for what they have done to our females and young, but today is not the day.  Today, our first and only priority is to rescue all that has been taken from us and return them home where they belong.  We will seek revenge once everyone has returned home.”