Newlyweds Kevin and Erica have their hands full. 

Moving into a new house after honeymoon…check 

Implementing a new program (Community Watchmen) similar to the human’s National Guard to help defend their community against a madman set to destroy it..check 

Training both the VCTF and CW teams on newly developed weapons..check 

Preparing their community for a possible war with a deranged vampire and his group of rogues…check 

Raising a half-vampire baby with special abilities…WHAT???? 

Yes, the newlyweds have their hands full, but after a horrific car accident forces Kevin to turn Erica into a vampire, there is little this power couple can’t handle.  Until Erica gives birth to a very special, gifted child, and Kevin and Erica realize it will take much more than just the two of them to raise and keep this child safe.   

In this second book of the Vampires Among Us series, welcome back all of your favorite characters and meet new members too.  As Kevin and Erica tackle first-time parenting, the community prepares for war with a deranged vampire and his group of rogue misfits who threaten everything this community holds dear.

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Review For A Special Gift